Friday, March 12, 2010


1 comment:

  1. these last works are beautiful. as drawings they are subtle and grand in compostional. something so classical about them, but that is part of their charm. they are unabashedly historical. But still, YOU. you are playing them like a great actor assumes a role where his persona is subsumed by the character and one from the two are indistinguishable.the trolley pieces seem so daring in respects to proximity. as if your intrusion was a silent agreement between sitter and the writing plays is so effortless. it is a comfortable interplay betweeen the words and image, giving enough jurisdication to each narrative mechanism and respecting their integrity. the eventual stripping down of the imagery to the bareness of the word, which works connvincingly and in some respects supplants the precedent imagery as a replicant imagery. To say the least i like what I see.
    good work!

    remember: politicans are like fast food. Too many of them in your diet and they'll kill you.
    Artists are like exquisite dining. They take time delicacy and craft which satisfy the soul as well as nourish the body.
